*Please note, by signing up or registering to any of our courses, you automatically agree to our Terms and Conditions.
*Please note, by signing up or registering to any of our courses, you automatically agree to our Terms and Conditions.
DeWoCo-Moments 2020
The purpose behind DeWoCo-Moments (Dental World Competition):
Almost half of the world’s population is now using at least one form of social media platform. This has revolutionized our communication method and has given the individuals the opportunity to reach a global audience. At UKDC, we want to gain a wider exposure for our colleagues in dentistry and use the social media platforms to promote them.
We are excited to introduce DeWoCo-Moments Competition where you share your unique dental moments with the opportunity to win some amazing prizes!
Submission criteria:
All submitted entries must be yours and related to the subject of the contest: Dentistry
The submitted work must be:
- Up to 60 seconds video, or a poster.
- The movie must be uploaded in MPEG format through the submission form (link provided at the bottom of this page).
- Submitted work should have high resolution.
- Any entries submitted after the deadline will not be considered for this competition.
- By submitting a work for this competition, participant understand and accept fully the UKDentalCourses terms and conditions.
Submission process:
Submitted work would be checked by an approval committee and the approved works would qualify for this competition and be shared with others for voting.
The first 10 voted entries from qualified works will be selected for the second round of the competition.
These 10 entries will be announced on our social media platforms (i.e. Instagram and Facebook: @ukdentalcourses) where others will get the opportunity to select their favorite post and vote via provided instruction. From the works selected for the second round, 2 works would be selected by judges and 2 works from the highest voted posts by people on our social media pages. This way the 4 semi-finalists would be defined.
Voters will then choose their first 3 winners.
First Place:
1st place medal
1st place certificate
A 4-days stay in a 4 stars hotel in Spain (Subject to COVID-19 restrictions)
12 months free attendance of UKDC online events (it can be passed or shared with another person)
Second Place:
2nd place medal
2nd place certificate
6 months free attendance of UKDC online events (it can be passed or shared with another person)
Third Place:
3rd place medal
3rd place certificate
3 months free attendance of UKDC online events (it can be passed or shared with another person)
Submission is closed